RMIT City Campus
Within this environment of high spatial drama, terraced seating and planting establish inviting human-scaled amphitheatres.
Melbourne CBD
RMIT City Campus
, laneway culture.1857

The Scoop
In the heart of the student campus is a crypt of unrealised grandeur. Once an underground carpark, its sweeping field of parabolic vaults promises so much more. Raw concrete arcs out of the ground in defiance of gravity, an expression of aspiration and daring.
University of Melbourne
The Scoop
, unrealised grandeur.1832

Stage Left
Stage Left is a place of anticipation and reflection; a place to gather and collect with friends and ideas, before and after a show. The prologue and the epilogue. A natural extension of the Arts Centre Melbourne experience.
Melbourne CBD
Stage Left
, the prologue and the epilogue.1314

Little Adelaide Hills
Little Adelaide Hills is a proposal for the redevelopment of the Royal Adelaide Hospital site. Situated on the north-east corner of the Adelaide CBD, Little Hills is a collection of housing, community, university, cultural heritage, open-air market, arts and performance spaces.
Royal Adelaide Hospital