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Notions of home are as much a projection of our dreams and memories as they are the bricks and linen cupboards that anchor them. Tangled in the sheets of inner-urban Melbourne, Arcadia is a fever dream of pastoral histories.


, perpetual blush.


In time this house will be consumed by its gardens. Already the buzz of pollination fills the air: bees, blowies and butterflies. Nestled between three native crops, nature has the jump start.


, turning in, turning out.


Sunday is a home for physical and psychological well-being, providing a diversity of spaces where occupants can always find a place of comfort: social spaces and private spaces; generous spaces and intimate spaces; spaces to gather and spaces to retreat.


, to gather and retreat.

Park Life

Curious neighbours slow their cars. From between the trees across a vast nature strip, a fence-like shed with a cyclops eye peers back at them. ‘Whose world is this?’ they ask.

Williamstown North

Park Life

, from between the trees.

Yarra Ranges SDS

Celebrating ability! Our team has developed a tailored consultation process with the school and its community in order to ensure the specialist pedagogical needs of students and staff are met and exceeded.

Yarra Ranges SDS

, middle school.

Brandon Park Primary School

Inside, the gymnasium’s large timber trusses and lofty daylighting lend drama and occasion to sports games and school gatherings.

Brandon Park Primary School

, gymnasium.

South Oakleigh College

A new Science building will be the first of three buildings in the school’s masterplan that will form the new STEAM precinct, while the expansion of the school’s gymnasium into a contemporary competition-grade facility allows for greater use by the school and broader local community.

South Oakleigh College

, science and sport.

Silver Lining

If every storm cell has a silver lining, it’s that the girls have tired of sodden socks and finally agreed to join us up here in our fancy new living room. The fridge is here too, which can’t have hurt. From where I’m sitting, I can see the weather overhead through the high window. I can also see across the park to where a young family are stranded on the play equipment. If they could get themselves afloat on one of those bright plastic tubes, I reckon I could chuck a rope over and pull them in.

Silver Lining

, everybody needs an ark.

A Periscope

A periscope, washed-up on the beach. The oceans must be full of them and yet this is quite unexpected: half buried with its ends poking out like a happy seaworm, chatting to its tail. The tides have washed it crystalline; mirrors bend the light to fill its buried chambers. A single sunlit passage, coursing through the sand.

A Periscope

, washed-up on the beach.


Skygarden has its genesis in tessellated ornament, in the colour fields of abstract art, in the hanging gardens of Babylon, and in James Turrell’s immersive installations where sensory deprivations eventually give rise to figments (and pigments) of imagination.


, blossoms in the sky.


Upholstered banquettes, window seating and kitchen benches line the living space, freeing-up the centre for a generous island bench and built-in table. Everything feels integrated, fitting together like a three-dimensional jigsaw.


, edges and interfaces.

The Summit

A curved wall of glass emulates the roof form, bending inwards to create a side courtyard. With glass and garden on all sides, the house is awash with natural light.


The Summit

, grounded and lofty.

The Arbour

On a hot summer’s day, nothing beats the shade of a leafy arbour. With dappled cover and a little breeze, the body finds its comfort. This simple extension provides just that.

The Arbour

, sunlight at play.

Fifty Fifty

Partly inspired by the original 1950s home, partly by the modernist Case Study houses of the same decade. 1950s meets 1950s. About half of each. We’re talking fifty-fifty vision. That’s sharp.


Fifty Fifty

, that's sharp.

Dark Horse

The play of tones establishes a subtle field of spaces that expand and contract, creating moments of generosity and intimacy.

Brunswick East

Dark Horse

, a handsome creature.

The Kite

Inside and out, the roof rests like a canopy. Sky and foliage are ever-present. Light filters in from all sides marking the passage of a day, while overhead, triangles beget triangles, folding and multiplying against the sky like barely tethered kites.

Albert Park

The Kite

, barely tethered.

Nightingale Village, Urban Coup

Beyond the scope of a typical housing development, Urban Coup includes communal kitchen and dining facilities, workshop spaces, a yoga room, music room and productive rooftop gardens. It is the first vertical community of its kind in Australia.


Nightingale Village, Urban Coup



The common periwinkle (or winkle) is a robust intra-warehouse species within the renovation family, characterised by a mostly neutral shell with rosy flourishes about the inner-ablution.



, unique among its genus.


Everywhere you look a grove of trees and a shady deck. A deck out the front, a deck out the back and a deck in the middle. Decks for eating, decks for dancing, decks for love stories and daydreaming.


, a heartwarming scene.

Park Street

The two-storey brick podium references the heritage of the local streetscape in material, detail and composition, while the upper levels are setback from the street and consist of a more recessive material palette.

Park Street

, life in the treetops.

The Taranaki Rift

The Taranaki Rift is an inner-suburban rupture off the east bank of Brunswick, initiated in the early-Turnbullian, due to the expansion of the Goodman van Dyke cluster.

Brunswick East

The Taranaki Rift

, an inner-suburban rupture.

Terrace #71

How to make a single-fronted terrace house light-filled and liveable? Simply so. Working within the footprint of the existing, rooms have been opened-up and reconfigured, lending them clarity, beauty and purpose.

Terrace #71

, chase the shadows away.

Miller House

From the moment of entry, views shift and redirect between the courtyards, light-wells, decks and gardens. Natural light washes the internal space from all directions, encouraging exploration of the various living areas and retreats.

North Fitzroy

Miller House

, a casual arrangement.

The Skin Job

An assemblage of generous openings, bench seats and a fireplace re-animate an otherwise ordinary red-brick façade.


The Skin Job

, like tears in rain.

Hip & Gable

A reclining hip casually slouches over the bedroom wing, while an attentive gable stands to attention over the more formal living spaces. Side by side, they are like the ears of a dog, one alert and the other playful, ready for whatever comes next.

Kew East

Hip & Gable

, jaunty gables, casual hips.

Together Apart

Where once they shared a womb, now they share a room; twin girls needing their own space, yet wanting to stay close too.


Together Apart

, a room for twins.

The Picador

Finding no bull and no audience he begins to dance, lunging and dodging imaginary foes, gripping a lance in each hand.

Kew East

The Picador

, grace and gravity.

Lawnbowl Village

Two of the three towers contain high quality, affordable apartments, while the third tower houses a childcare centre, a theatre, art gallery, bookshop, cafes, makerspaces and co-working spaces.

Caulfield South

Lawnbowl Village

, community life.

A Rose by Another

In the grounds of Melbourne’s famed Cairo apartments, a crop of wild roses are taking seed. The first was an unlikely shade of purple. The latest is a rose by another hue, and just as sweet.

Cairo apartments, Fitzroy

A Rose by Another

, breathe it in.

The Purple Rose of Cairo

Compact robes and clever storage solutions are integrated with a fold-out bed and a handsome full-height curtain, creating the flexibility to quickly convert the single-room space from a study to a bedroom to a dining room or party space.


The Purple Rose of Cairo

, a little life.

School Playgrounds

Rolling. Jumping. Climbing. Swinging. Digging. Playgrounds are empires of imagination and exploration, realms far from the strictures of the classroom.

School Playgrounds

, inclusive play.

RMIT Business Behavioural Lab

RMIT engaged Architecture architecture to design and deliver the fitout of new facilities for the Business Behavioural Lab. The brief required a thorough understanding of the stakeholders’ needs in order to deliver a laboratory where academics undertake controlled behavioural experiments with verifiable results.

Melbourne CBD

RMIT Business Behavioural Lab


Monash Study Spaces

Through a series of modifications and upgrades, concerns of safety, comfort, amenity, well-being and identity have been addressed, making services more readily accessible and functional for the student body.

Monash Study Spaces

, lively and robust.

Jells Park Primary School

Architecture architecture was engaged by Jells Park Primary School to lend a little love to a pair of worn-out portables, making them feel as special and welcoming as any other building in the school. When the semi-temporary becomes semi-permanent, it’s time for a spruce.

Jells Park Primary School

, time for a spruce.

Yarra Ranges SDS

The Senior School Wing fosters a sense of independence for the senior students and signals their transition into life beyond school.

Yarra Ranges SDS

, senior school.

RMIT City Campus

Within this environment of high spatial drama, terraced seating and planting establish inviting human-scaled amphitheatres.

Melbourne CBD

RMIT City Campus

, laneway culture.

The Scoop

In the heart of the student campus is a crypt of unrealised grandeur. Once an underground carpark, its sweeping field of parabolic vaults promises so much more. Raw concrete arcs out of the ground in defiance of gravity, an expression of aspiration and daring.

University of Melbourne

The Scoop

, unrealised grandeur.

Hawthorn Sports Pavilion

The Hawthorn Sports Pavilion required an upgrade to allow more user groups to comfortably and safely use the facility. Much needed changes included the incorporation of female friendly facilities, disability access and improved wayfinding.

Hawthorn Sports Pavilion

, community health.

Among Buildings

The culmination of 3 years of wandering around significant Melbourne buildings and reflects on the immaterial experiences of the built environment.

256pp unbound book

Among Buildings

, an unbound book.

White rabbit, white rabbit

A white, empty display cabinet contains a virtual reproduction of the same white, empty display cabinet just out of reach. An alternate reality so close to our own, beyond the looking glass.

February 2013

White rabbit, white rabbit


Bookshop by Uro

The scent of a new book is the scent of ideas unfolding. Bookshops are laden with it, new bookshops all the more so; binding glues and inks washed through with notes of fresh cut timber and a lick of paint.

Bookshop by Uro

, a scent of its own.

Stage Left

Stage Left is a place of anticipation and reflection; a place to gather and collect with friends and ideas, before and after a show. The prologue and the epilogue. A natural extension of the Arts Centre Melbourne experience.

Melbourne CBD

Stage Left

, the prologue and the epilogue.

Little Adelaide Hills

Little Adelaide Hills is a proposal for the redevelopment of the Royal Adelaide Hospital site. Situated on the north-east corner of the Adelaide CBD, Little Hills is a collection of housing, community, university, cultural heritage, open-air market, arts and performance spaces.

Royal Adelaide Hospital

Little Adelaide Hills

, exposing geology.

Friend or Pho

Recycled materials were adopted to reflect the Vietnamese culture of re-use, where nothing is wasted. The overall effect is reminiscent of the lantern-lit eateries of Hanoi An.


Friend or Pho

, hawker-style.

Chinese Medicine Clinic

This Chinese Medicine Clinic provides place of welcome and comfort for patients requiring respite from their busy lives with a design that is simple, open and unpretentious.


Chinese Medicine Clinic

, a tranquil refuge.


The interior palette was light and simple, with modest flourishes of detail where bookshelves terminate and cupboard doors open.



, a sea of sketches.

The Drift

The Drift proposes that there is no audience, only participants. There is no object, and there is no center. Instead a field of scattered Seeds, wired for networked discussion, where ideas may blow-in from any corner of the garden.

Competition entry for the NGV

The Drift

, no audience, only participants.

Nightingale Housing

Nightingale revolutionizes multi-residential development by establishing a freely available, cost-transparent, open-source model in which designers work directly with purchasers, for the purposes of creating environmentally, socially and financially sustainable homes.


Nightingale Housing

, sustainable homes.

Unliveable Berlin

With its chequered history of cultural exclusion and ideological seclusion, as well as an impressive record of refugee accommodation, Berlin presents a unique case study in the urban consequences of social disunity and cohesion.


Unliveable Berlin

, experimental housing.